String Encoding and Decoding

Introduction  :

This article explains how to make an String Encoding and Decoding. Here I am going to explain how to provide Security feature using inbuilt Asp .Net function. I have provided the fully functional source code, which is self-explanatory.

Step-by-Step Procedure :

The code attached is self-explanatory, but will try to explain as much as possible. Since here I am going to use the string convert function to encode and decode. Below function will return encoded string while you pass normal string.

public string base64Encode(string data)




              byte[] encData_byte = new byte[data.Length];

               encData_byte = System.Text. Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);

               string encodedData = Convert.ToBase64String(encData_byte);

                   return encodedData;


            catch (Exception e)


           throw new Exception("Error in base64Encode" + e.Message);



Once you have 64 bit encoded string then you can decode using fallowing code snippet. If the encoded string has been modified then will not get actual string which you have given.

            public string base64Decode(string data)




                        System.Text. UTF8Encoding encoder = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();

                          System.Text. Decoder utf8Decode = encoder.GetDecoder();

                           byte[] todecode_byte = Convert.FromBase64String(data);

                          int charCount = utf8Decode.GetCharCount(todecode_byte, 0, todecode_byte.Length);

                          char[] decoded_char = new char[charCount];

                          utf8Decode.GetChars(todecode_byte, 0, todecode_byte.Length, decoded_char, 0);

                           string result = new String(decoded_char);

                          return result;


                      catch (Exception e)


                           throw new Exception("Error in base64Decode" + e.Message);




Conclusion :
If you have any comment of suggestions, please write to me.

Thanks and Happy coding !!!


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